
I just vented a lot of what was troubling me in my other ‘blog’…ish thing, “What is Art?”. Today I was feeling off. I had accumulated a lot of tension in my upper chest and shoulders, near the bones.
I wasn’t too sure where it came from. I had some idea, though, but wasn’t handling it real well. Retreating.
Then Charlie came in for a Tarot reading. He chose the “Motherpeace “ deck. A card jumped out of the deck…the nine of swords reversed…looking at fears.
I did a quick three card spread and it confirmed for him that he needed to deal with worry and negative thoughts.
Duh. When the guys are feeling good, they are wonderful to be around. When they are disturbed they get snarky.
My problem has been that I sometimes feel like I am the problem. Now I can have compassion on both them and myself.
At Sunday, July 9, 2006 at 4:06:00 AM EDT,
Marit Cooper said…
That is so true, most of the time when people are unpleasant to you it's because of something in them, not in you, It's only when you take it personally that it becomes your problem :-)
At Sunday, July 9, 2006 at 10:06:00 AM EDT,
jean said…
Marit, I have had a lot of trouble with this one to the point that I scarcely ever leave my house. The spirit in me is so powerful that it is a public nuisance, it seems.
It's easier for me to stay home than to deal with other people's stuff. My stuff is fun for me to deal with, so I leave them to deal with theirs in their own ways.
So this makes me self-absorbed and narcissistic.
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