I'm a Loser Baby. Oh well...

It is getting familiar and comfortable to be here. I enjoyed the day and got a lot of work done on some projects that I'd put on hold during my foray into the land of the "living".
Had a delightful exchange with a person who is interested in my point of view and shares many outlooks and interests. We started on what may be a very fruitful collaboration.
It's a big world and there are many dimensions and levels to operate out of. If there is one lesson I've learned over the past 10 years or so is to be on my own side no matter what.
It's funny how lessons get repeated over and over until one "gets" them.
My lesson is to be true to myself even if it seems like the entire world is against me.
I see the temptation at times like these to fall ill in a subconcious desire for sympathy.
I could imagine lying dead in my coffin. Goodbye cruel world! Sob!
But, life goes on and I for one am delighted.
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