Imagining the Future

Economic issues seemed to be the main concern. Some people seem worried that they would not be able to support themselves as they got older and older. Others were concerned about health issues.
Patty's dream is a symptom of those fears, I think.
I wonder, why imagine that sort of eternity at all? What would lead one to suppose that the "reality" they are experiencing is all there is to experience? Why envision the "same old"? Why not new improved and infinitely improvable? Think Different.
At Monday, February 20, 2006 at 12:05:00 PM EST,
Anonymous said…
I must try your approach in this grand "quest for clarity" sometime.
Drink an entire bottle of Jagermeister.
I have finally found the way.
At Monday, February 20, 2006 at 12:15:00 PM EST,
jean said…
Ha Ha, very funny, McGee!
Of course you realize that I have been on this "grand quest for clarity" for my whole life and, while it has led me into some interesting and weird places, I have steadily gained what I sought .
You certainly are not so stupid to think that one bottle of Jaegermeister can confer enlightenment, of course. I wouldn't advise it. I just find it fun sometimes.
At Monday, February 20, 2006 at 12:31:00 PM EST,
Anonymous said…
fun schmun.
drunk punk
lady baby mama, aint no lama.....
I hear a song a brewing.....
At Monday, February 20, 2006 at 12:42:00 PM EST,
jean said…
Sour power-
You're so dour!
You can put me down
But it's just your frown.
You win or lose
By what you choose.
I've made my choice
And found my voice
So without any fear
I'll say it clear.
We can be good friends
If this sniping ends
So say what you must
I have to trust
Your intelligence
to make some sense
Of what I'm saying
I'm not just braying
You may think I'm an ass
But I have true class.
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